
VAERS Deaths and Adverse Events Stats Page. Also includes graph comparing vaccine deaths each year since 1990 Click on COVID Vaccine Data, then click on “Red Box” Summaries

VAERS Researchers

Albert Benevides, Data Analyst and VAERS Expert
He is interviewed by Jean-Pierre Kiekens at

Surya Arba, Data & Analytics Consultant & Vaccine Safety Expert
He is interviewed by Jean-Pierre Kiekens at

Other VAERS Analytics Evaluators
A user-friendly look at VAERS reports.
About Page: I am just a concerned citizen reporting on often overlooked public data regarding adverse events related to the new Covid-19 vaccines. I work with data for a living and have been in the technology field for over two decades. Ironic fact about me: I spent the better part of a decade building websites for big Pharma. There is likely not a single big Pharma company I have not built a website for.

Whistleblower lawsuit; 45,000 deaths, includes an affidavit from whistleblower

Inventor of mRNA technology
Dr. Robert Malone
I have seen reliable estimates that there have been at least 450,000 excess US deaths attributable to USG blocking early use of ivermectin and HCQ.

Dr. Henry Ealy
From the article by Dr. Ealy:
“As of August 23, 2020, the CDC reported 161,392 fatalities caused by COVID-19. Had the long-standing, original guidelines for death reporting been used, there would have only been 9,684 total fatalities due to COVID-19.”

PDF: COVID-19 Data: Collection, Comorbidity, and Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective
Excerpt from Abstract by Henry Ealy et al: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 23, 2020, “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.” The CDC has advocated for social isolation, social distancing, and personal protective equipment use as primary mitigation strategies in response to the COVID-19 crisis, while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge the promise of inexpensive pharmaceutical and natural treatments. These mitigation strategies were promoted largely in response to projection model fatality forecasts that have proven to be substantially inaccurate.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

Zelenko protocols against COVID-19:

A recent interview with Dr. Zelenko